Salisbury MD Criminal Lawyer443-944-5705
Salisbury MD Criminal Defense Lawyer

Wicomico County Criminal Defense Attorneys

Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney

Defending the Criminally Accused in Dorchester, Talbot, Baltimore, Wicomico County, Ocean City, Worcester, and Somerset Counties on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Call Us First

Before you even speak to anyone, call us first. Your words will be twisted and used against you. Most people are not used to speaking with the police but we it is our job to protect you and your rights.

Call today! 443-944-5705

Are You Facing Charges?

Have you or a loved one been arrested or charged with a crime on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? If so, you must act now to protect your rights. It’s time to start looking for the best criminal defense lawyer in Salisbury, Maryland.

Long-Lasting Consequences If Convicted

A criminal conviction can have a long-lasting impact on your personal and professional life. You could face:

  • a period of imprisonment,
  • hefty fines,
  • mandatory supervision on probation,
  • loss of driving privileges, and more.

Criminal defense lawyers are needed to provide you with zealous legal representation for criminal charges like DUI, DWI, domestic violence, and more.

Criminal History On Your Record

Beyond the legal penalties, you will have to endure the stigma of being labeled a “criminal.” This can make it hard to pursue:

  • employment opportunities,
  • secure housing,
  • secure loans,
  • keep custody of your kids.

With so much at stake, you need to hire an experienced, local criminal defense lawyer in Salisbury, Maryland.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right law firm. 

James L. and Rachel E. Britt have each been practicing criminal law on Maryland’s Eastern Shore for more than a decade. This dynamic husband and wife team understand the severity of a criminal charge.

Britt Criminal Defense knows what it takes to construct a solid defense.  As seasoned veterans, they have the skills and resources to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.

We Are Here To Serve You

Regardless of the crime you’ve been accused of committing, you are entitled to the strongest possible defense under the law.  If you choose us to represent you, you can trust that you’ll never be just a name or case number in a file. We pride ourselves on providing personalized attention to each and every client. We’ll never pass you off  to junior members or paralegals — you’ll always deal directly with us. 

Commitment To Preserve Your Freedom

We are committed to winning cases. Your Salisbury criminal defense Salisbury MD Defense Attorneyattorney will work tirelessly to make sure you get the best possible legal advice and defense.

You can be confident that we will do everything in our power to protect your rights and preserve your freedom.

Get Trusted Legal Advice from a Salisbury Criminal Defense Attorney Today

Time is of the essence in a criminal case. Police and prosecutors are currently building a case against you. They have a large number of resources at their disposal which they will use to try and obtain a conviction.

Reliable Criminal Defense

Having a reputable criminal defense attorney on your side will level the playing field. The earlier you take action and contact an experienced law office the better.

We will provide a comprehensive case evaluation and legal representation, the higher the likelihood of a successful outcome.

To receive a free consultation to discuss an effective legal strategy to fight the charges against you, call our office at 443-944-5705.

Proudly Serving the People of Salisbury, Maryland – Residents, Young Adults, Tourists, and Visitors

While James L. and Rachel E. Britt are licensed to practice throughout the State of Maryland, they practice primarily on the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland in Salisbury.  Their law firm represents clients from all over the Lower Eastern Shore, including:

  • Baltimore City
  • Baltimore County
  • Dorchester County (Cambridge, Hurlock)
  • Wicomico County (Salisbury, Delmar, Fruitland)
  • Worcester County (Ocean City, Ocean Pines)
  • Somerset County (Princess Anne, Crisfield)

When Your Future Hangs in the Balance, Choose Britt Criminal Defense

Protection from self-incrimination

You have a constitutional right to remain silent and abstain from answering any questions until you have an attorney present. You can and should exercise this right if you are arrested.

The Britt Criminal Defense Team is prepared to represent you prior to, during, and after questioning to prevent you from saying something that could incriminate you or jeopardize your case.

Guidance through the criminal justice system

Facing criminal charges is extremely stressful and dealing with the uncertainty of what will happen can be emotionally and financially. At Britt Criminal Defense, we can help alleviate your anxiety and fears by explaining the stages of the criminal court process.

Keeping You Apprised At All Times

We will keep you informed about every development in your case. We’ll walk you through each step of developing a strong defense and protecting your rights from the start of your case to the final verdict. We strive to create an attorney-client relationship that works for you.

The local advantage

When it comes to choosing a criminal defense lawyer, there’s simply no substitute for hiring someone with extensive local experience. James and Rachel have practiced extensively in criminal courts in Salisbury, Maryland and throughout the Eastern Shore.

Well Versed In Local Court Politics

An integral part of navigating the criminal justice system is knowing the people. James and Rachel have knowledge of local procedures and all the players in the local game.

Investigative Capabilities

Britt Criminal Defense is well-equipped to conduct a thorough investigation to uncover the facts of your case. You can count on your attorney at law to work in tandem with investigators and forensic experts in an effort to gather and scrutinize evidence and witness statements that bolster your case.

Protecting Your Rights

We will also closely examine whether your rights were violated in any way, such as by an unlawful search, mishandled evidence, or an illegal arrest.

If we are able to uncover evidence that your rights were infringed upon, we may be able to have this evidence withheld and prevent the prosecution from using it against you.

We represent a wide variety of criminal charges, including but not limited to the following practice areas:

  • DUI
  • DWI
  • Misdemeanor
  • Felony
  • Domestic Violence
  • Theft
  • Sex Crimes
  • Drug Charges
  • General Criminal Offense

Smart Negotiation Tactics

Our top priority is to secure an acquittal or get your case dismissed altogether. If the latter is not possible, we will negotiate to get you the best plea deal including:

  • lesser charges,
  • a less severe sentence,
  • probation,
  • alternative dispositions (entry into a treatment program, etc).

Zealous Litigation 

Although many criminal cases in Salisbury will be settled prior to a court hearing, we prepare every case for trial.

Though we will work to try and get you the best deal possible without having to go to court, we will be ready to mount an aggressive defense on your behalf when needed.

We provide representation at all relevant criminal hearings, including but not limited to:

  • Initial Court Appearance
  • Bond reviews and bail hearings
  • Preliminary hearings
  • Circuit court hearings
  • Violation of probation hearings
  • Office of Administrative Hearing at the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration Agency (MVA)
  • Motions
  • Hearings
  • Sentencing
  • Trial and/or Adjudications and/or Disposition Hearings
  • Health General Hearings
  • Post Conviction/Coram Nobis Hearings
  • Expungement Hearings
  • Hearings in Federal Courts

Don’t Wait to Get Legal Help from a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Salisbury, Maryland Today

After you’ve been arrested for criminal charges, you need to act quickly to ensure that your rights are protected by an experienced criminal lawyer. Call our Eastern Shore law firm now for your free consultation at 443-944-5705.


Criminal Case


By: Gee Hurre


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